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Light alarm schematic circuit diagram

This light alarm schematic circuit is designed using some common electronic parts, as you can see in the circuit diagram bellow . This light alarm schematic circuit project will sound as soon as the drawer is opened and light falls on the Darlington phototransistor. The output alarm may be redesigned to activate a relay or triac.
This simple light alarm schematic circuit project use a MAL12 LDR photoresistor as a sensor .
The 14011 quad , 2 input, NAND gate is wired up to oscillate when the input to it goes high, that is the BC557 transistor turns on after light is detected by the MAL12.
The oscillating output from the 14011 turns the BC547 on and off , making the buzzer to sound.
After the alarm has started and it is put back into dark conditions , alarm will continue to sound for about 3 - 5 seconds. This is due to the 1uF capacitor and 4M7 resistor which keep the input to the 14011 high .

Electronic Circuits: 
Circuit Diagram: 
Light alarm schematic circuit diagram project using mal12


anyone who can briefly bescribe each and every components that is used in this light alarm circuit and their functions please