FreePCB layout editor
FreePCB is a free, open-source PCB layout editor for Windows .In other words FreePCB in nothing else than a PCB Layout editor software that helps you to design a printed circuit board .
Free PCB software is not very impressive, but is very easy to use and you can do a good job with it . If you want to use it for your projects you need to know that the Free PCB not include in package a circuit diagram software , so you will need to design , to draw your circuit using other software .
If you are not familiar with this kind of PCB software will be a little hard to design a printed circuit board , but the designer of the Free PCB has prepared a very useful user guide .
This user guide contains chapters on the PCB design process and the Free PCB user interface, and a tutorial which takes the user through the process of creating a PCB from a schematic and a netlist file. In the process it describes all of the main features of Free PCB.
If you don’t know how to design a PCB using this software , you will need to take a look in the user guide ebook and you will find the answer . The user guide include any information that you may require : from keyboard shortcuts, PCB start up , to footprint editor .
Currently, Free PCB runs only on Windows. The source code is copyrighted but released under the GNU General Public License (version 2 or later).
This software can be downloaded from developer website or you can try this link .
Also on the developer website you will find a support forum where you can post comments about software , report bugs or ask for some pcb footprints .
To see how you can create a small printed circuit board using this PCB software , we prepared a small video tutorial .
The main features of this PCB layout editor software are :
-1 to 16 copper layers
-Board size up to 60 inches by 60 inches
-Uses English or metric units (i.e. mils or mm) for most functions.
-Footprint libraries courtesy of Ivex Design International, PCB Matrix and the IPC.
-Copper fill areas
-Footprint Wizard and Footprint Editor for creating or modifying footprints
-Imports and exports PADS-PCB netlists
-Exports extended Gerber files (RS274X) and Excellon drill files
-Design rule checker