Using TDA7262 integrated circuit manufactured by ST Microelectronics can be designed a very simple stereo audio amplifier electronic project which can provide a maximum output power of 20 watts per channel .
TDA7262 is an ( class AB ) dual Hi-Fi Audio power amplifier assembled in Multiwatt 11 package, specilally designed for high quality stereo application as Hi-Fi music centers and TV sets.
Using LM1875 power audio amplifier integrated circuit can be designed a very simple audio audio amplifier that can provide a maximum output power of 30 watts on a 8 ohms load .
LM1875 manufactured by National Semiconductor is a monolithic power amplifier offering very low distortion and high quality performance for consumer audio applications.
Using TBA820M audio amplifier integrated circuit can be designed a very simple audio amplifier circuit using few electronic parts. This audio amplifier electronic project has a very high gain as can be hear under water sounds .