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Battery charger circuits electronic circuits design

Simple and complex battery chargers electronic circuits design projects and schematics with diagrams and description for various battery type.

LNK616PG 5 volt constant charger circuit

A very simple 5 volt constant voltage ,constant current (CV/CC) universal-input power supply for cell phone or similar charger applications can be designed using the LNK616PG product from the LinkSwitch-II family.

Circuit Diagram: 
LNK616PG 5 volt constant charger circuit design electronic project
Electronic Circuits: 

12v battery charger using TIP3055

A very simple 12v battery charger circuit can be designed using a TIP3055 power transistor to limit the current to the battery by turning off when the battery voltage reaches approx 14v or if the current rises above 2 amp.

Circuit Diagram: 
12v battery charger circuit diagram using TIP3055
Electronic Circuits: 

12V solar charger circuit design

This simple solar charger circuit project is designed using few external common electronic parts . This simple solar charger circuit is capable of handling charge currents of up to 1A. Alternate component values are given in the circuit for lower current applications.

Circuit Diagram: 
12V solar charger circuit design electronic project
Electronic Circuits: 


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