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Motor drivers electronic circuits design project

Motor drivers electronic circuits design projects and schematics

LV8741V PWM stepping motor driver electronic project circuit design

Using the LV8741V PWM stepping motor driver IC can be designed a very simple and efficiency DC motor driver electronic project .
As you can see in the circuit diagram , this electronic project require few external electronic parts . The maximum output current that can be provided by this PWM current-control stepping motor driver IC is up to 1.5 ampere .

Circuit Diagram: 
LV8741V PWM stepping motor driver electronic project circuit design
Electronic Circuits: 

L6203 DC motor controller circuit

This DC motor controller circuit shown in this schematic use the L620x motor driver .
The L620x is a monolithic full bridge switching motor driver realized in the new Multipower-BCD technology which allows the integration of multiple, isolated DMOS power transistors plus mixed CMOS/bipolar control circuits and is available in many versions : L6201 /1PS/2/3 .

Circuit Diagram: 
L6203 DC motor controller circuit electronic project
Electronic Circuits: 

LMD18245 bipolar stepper motor driver circuit design

Using the LMD18245 full-bridge power amplifier that incorporates all the circuit blocks required to drive and control current in a brushed type DC motor or one phase of a bipolar stepper motor can be designed various motor applications.
The LMD18245 controls the motor current via a fixed off-time chopper technique.

Circuit Diagram: 
LMD18245 bipolar stepper motor driver circuit design
Electronic Circuits: 


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